Platicando con Tarket

Insipirating: Steve Jobs

The whole Steve Jobs’s speech is remarkable, but to me, specially what he thinks about death which is part of life.

…Because life is very likely the best invention of life. It’s life change agent…Sorry to be so dramatic but is quite true. Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone elese’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others opinions drowned out your inner voice and most important, heve the courage to follow your heart and intuition…everything else is secondary.


Put yourself in another’s shoes, in Amy’s

They tried to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no.
Yes I been black, but when I come back
You wont know, know, know.

I ain’t got the time
And if my daddy thinks im fine
He’s tried to make me go to rehab
I wont go, go, go.

I’d rather be at home with ray
I ain’t got 70 days
Cos there’s nothing, nothing you can teach me
That I can’t learn from Mr. Hathaway

Didn’t get a lot in class
But I know it don’t come in a shot glass

They’re tryin to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back
You wont know, know, know.

I aint got the time,
And if my Daddy thinks im fine,
He’s tried to make me go to rehab,
I wont go, go, go.

The man said, why you think you here?
I said, I got no idea
Im gonna, im gonna loose my baby
So I always keep a bottle near

Said, I just think you’re depressed
Kiss me, yeah baby
And go rest

I’m tryin to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back
You wont know, know, know

I don’t ever wanna drink again
I just, ooo, I just need a friend
Im not gonna spend 10 weeks
Have everyone think im on the mend

It’s not just my pride
It’s just til these tears have dried

They’re tryin to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back,
You wont know, know, know

I aint got the time,
And if my daddy thinks im fine
He’s trying to make me go to rehab
I wont go, go, go.


Platicando con Tarket’s opinion: The self – destructive behavior of the British singer and composer Amy Winehouse cryied she was sick of the hypocrite society, lies promoted in life and the non solved personal relationships. She was so intense ‘cause things did matter to her and unfortunately could not manage them to change for better.

We all can try to put ourselves in another’s shoes, before judging, and also, do not underestimate depression.

R.I.P. Amy Winehouse Setember 14th, 1983- July 23 rd, 2011

I don’t want to need you cause I can not have you!

At minute 1’50 I don’t want to need you cause I can not have you!

At minute 1’00 to 1’04 But as he said ‘Some people search all their life for this (love) and never find it, others, don’t believe it ever exist’ therefore, that is a lesson to find the best way not to lose the gift of love.

Last part of the movie script. Source

El guión lo encuentra en inglés, arriba en el link copiado.

Francesca says to her grown up daughter and son:

«I love you both with all my heart.
Do what you have to, to be happy in
this life. There is so much beauty.»


El último párrafo del guión de la película, Francesca quien tuvo una relación extramatrimonial dice a sus hijos: Hagan lo que tengan q hacer para ser feliz.



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12–VOE&feature=related

Part 13

Earthquake 8.7 in Chile February 27 th 2010

Dos millones de damnificados, alrededor de 200 muertos y 15 desaparecidos

Tsunami alert for places in Pacific Ocean:Hawai, Ecuador, Perú and Japan

Terremoto “golpea” economía chilena

La moneda del país sudamericano se debilitará en el futuro inmediato, señalaron especialistas; la reconstrucción tendrá un alto costo fiscal para el gobierno, las empresas y los individuos.

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (Reuters) — Un masivo terremoto de magnitud 8.8 devastó Chile en la madrugada del sábado, y mató al menos a 147 personas, dañando caminos y puentes y forzando a grandes compañías mineras a suspender sus operaciones.

El impacto financiero para el país sudamericano será amplio, pues es probable que en el futuro inmediato el peso chileno sufra una brusca debilitación, mientras que la actividad económica estará frenada por los efectos en la agricultura e industria en la región más golpeada, señaló el jefe de Mercados Emergentes de RBC Capital Marktes, Nick Chamie.

«Es probable que el Banco Central mantenga la liquidez y las condiciones de mercado holgadas en el futuro inmediato para apoyar los esfuerzos del Gobierno para estabilizar la economía y el sistema financiero», dijo Chamie.

El especialista resaltó que habrá un alto costo fiscal para el gobierno en sus esfuerzos de reconstrucción, como también para las empresas e individuos. A pesar de esto, la posición sólida de ahorro debería permitirle absorber estos costos sin efectos significativos a su salud fiscal.

«En el largo plazo, el esfuerzo de reconstrucción debería proveer un impulso a la actividad económica, aunque esto se repartirá en varios años», señaló Chamie.

Por su parte el economista senior en Goldman Sachs en NY, Alberto Ramos, dijo que en términos de actividad, esto generará una seria interferencia por algunas semanas, lo que impactará en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) real durante el primer trimestre del año y probablemente durante el segundo.

«Sobre la política monetaria, el Banco Central estaba en camino a normalizarla en algún momento al final del segundo trimestre de 2010. Dependiendo del impacto sobre la economía, ellos pueden mantener la actual postura de estímulo un tiempo más», afirmó.

Dijo además que en el corto plazo, los servicios minoristas y otros serán fuertemente impactados; en el mediano plazo los sectores de construcción y materiales se beneficiarán.

Alberto Ramos destacó que afortunadamente los chilenos tienen la economía mejor manejada en el hemisferio y serán capaces de manejar esta terrible adversidad.

En cuanto a la industria minera, que es el sector más grande de la economía y representa el 20% del PIB y el 50% de las exportaciones, los reportes preliminares no indican daños graves.

«La población de Chile es altamente urbana, con aproximadamente el 50% de la gente viviendo en Santiago y sus alrededores, que está a 200 millas del epicentro del terremoto. Entonces esperamos que el impacto económico directo del sismo sea limitado», dijo el administrador del Fondo de Bonos de Mercados Emergentes para PIMCO, Curtis Mewbourne.

«Los riesgos mayores son los todavía desconocidos impactos de los tsunamis. Mientras las prioridades cambian de rumbo de las urgentes necesidades humanitarias a la reconstrucción, el estado fuerte de las finanzas del Gobierno en Chile facilitarán esos esfuerzos», finalizó.


Simulation of earthquake in Chile done by National Geographic:

Singer Sandro spoke about the death results because of tobacco
11 enero 2010, 12:23 am
Filed under: Ayuda Social, Salud, Sociedad, Soluciones | Etiquetas: , , , , , , , ,

Sandro: ‘This fucking cigarrette’

Platicandocontarket’s opinion: Let’s pay attention on Sandro’s words. Let’s leave tobacco and leave the others around us leave healthy.

Humans against humans! Stop it!

Source: CBSNewsOnline on You Tube

Source: AlJazeeraEnglish on You Tube

Relatives of Peruvian soldiers dead in action against terrorists have to beg for receiving monetary indemnization

In the video at the minute 3’35 relatives of fifteen Peruvian soldiers dead in action against a terrorist attack comment their pain and disappointment because they have to fight for their rights to receive a monetary indemnization that is legally stipulated by the Law.

They have prosecuted the Peruvian State for not paying the indemnization and the Supreme Constitutional Court have ruled for them, however, they have received nothing. Each family should receive fifteen unit tax called in Perú (UIT), it means 3,500 soles (around 1,120 American dollars), in total fifty five thousand soles (Peruvian currency) equals 16 thousand dollars, but the Peruvian government has calculated the unit tax from 1992 that cost 1,500 soles ( 500 American dollars).

All these fight made the soldiers’ relatives have traveled from their town in Pucallpa located in Peruvian jungle until the Headquarters of the Peruvian Army located in Lima. They have lost seven days of work, spent money in lodging and payed the lawyer, still they will have to return to Lima, capital of Peru.

From April to August 2009 they went to the Army Headquarter in their town to request their pension of 1, 100 soles (400 American dollars). Every single month, government told them had to sign the salary receipts and afterwards they would deposit the money.

On April 9th, 2009 a two thousand terrorist group among children, women and men ambushed the fifteen soldiers in Sarabamba town in Ayacucho while they patroled using gust of bullets and grenades. Then terrorists finished the attack with shots on their heads.

One of their killed soldiers is  Denis Guerrero (28). Also in the video one of the soldier’s father tell that the son’s body waas found with no legs nor arms and no fingerprints. That soldier had only three months of entering the Peruvian Army.

Videosource: You Tube by gerardolipe20